Effectively Manage Stress During the Holidays

While the holidays are a special time of the year for many, it can also be the most stressful. Between shopping, wrapping, saving money, seeing friends, making plans with family, and so much more, balancing (or blending) it all can be hard. But, with American stress levels already at an all-time high, it’s essential that we are keenly aware of how we deal with everything that is thrown at us over next 40 or so days. Here are some of my personal favorite ways to manage the stress that comes along with the holidays...

The Importance of Gratitude—and How to Make it a Habit

With Thanksgiving coming up faster than ever and my monthly goal of participating in Calm’s 30 Days of Gratitude, gratitude and being thankful have been at the top of my mind. While we all know it’s important to pause and reflect on the people, places, or things that you are so fortunate to have in your life, it’s helpful to understand exactly how this practice can improve your mental health and well-being.

October 2018 Wrap-Up

I am so excited to be back after a month of sharing posts from some incredible female bloggers who I am lucky enough to call my friends. Let’s get back into the swing of things with my usual monthly wrap-up which happens on the first Monday of each month.

GUEST POST: The 5 P’s of Life Productivity with Lori Rochino

Do you feel overwhelmed with work-life blending? While we all have the same 24 hours in a day, being able to use time effectively is a real challenge for many people. With the demands of work and personal life—not to mention digital distractions from phones, texting, social media, and more, it's no wonder we're so stressed out!  Here are five ways to beat overwhelm and give yourself the gift of self-care...

GUEST POST: Finding Self-Love With Lauralee Laquis

Growing up I was very self-aware and knew if I was going to accomplish anything in life I would have to be my own #1 cheerleader. Yet, despite knowing this, I struggled when it came to validating my own self-worth and truly loving me. I simply did not have the tools to  practice real self-love. So, how exactly did I come to realize that my inner dialogue was harmful and false? How did I come to finally understand that I am amazing and that my true essence is soulful and beautiful?

GUEST POST: Negative Self Speak—Breaking The Vicious Cycle with Caroline Poe

Let the words you speak to yourself be kind ones. You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself and the truth is that your thoughts hold so much power. At any given moment, within my own mind there are a variety of narratives underway. I recently learned how to be more self-aware. One of the results of practicing this is a positive turn in how I speak to myself. In the past I would often reprimand myself for any number of things including: