The Morning Pep Talk You and I Need Now

As a self-proclaimed productivity nerd, getting LOTS of things done has always been my main goal. But, while reading my current book, The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey, I learned that my (common) way of thinking about productivity isn’t really accurate. Instead, Chris (brilliantly) explains in the book that...

What I Learned from Practicing Self-Care for 31 Days

February was a hard month for me, so I decided to make the month of March one where I made my well-being a priority. I did this by starting my very first With Cheryl Challenge and practiced at least one small act of self-care every single day for 31 days. Today I'd like to share some of those lessons and pass along a few examples so you can start this yourself.

Create Your Own Routine

Creating a routine for yourself has so many benefits. You are charge of your own time, form positive habits, create discipline, reduce stress, eliminate unnecessary decision making, and so much more. 

I'd like to take you through 4 steps to create your own routine so you can feel in control of your day and time. 

Disconnect to Reconnect

According to a 2018 Nielsen survey, American adults spend over 11 hours a day interacting with various types of media. I don't know about you, but I can think of many other ways I would like to spend almost half of my day!

Today, I wanted to share some of the tactics I've put into practice to disconnect from my phone and connect with what really matters to me. Let's jump right in...

Make Yourself Your Priority

This Saturday I was fortunate enough to attend MogulX, and my second session of the day was titled “Finding Balance”,  led by Health & Wellness Expert, Sophia Roe. Sophia opened up to us about a time in her life where she was most unhappy—and after lots of self-reflection, she realized it was a result of her losing sight of what was really important to her.

And, that led to my big reveal...